Monday, December 30, 2019

7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss

7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss3If you had the perfect boss, what personality traits would he or she possess? Agoodboss can make a decentjob great Answering this important question, prior to an bewerbungsgesprch, is a great job search tool. To help you decide what youd like to have in a future manager here are seven personality traits that could be at the top of yur list.7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss1. You share similar professional values.If you want work happiness your boss should share similar values. What are your values or the things in life that are important to you? For example some of your values might be family, a sense of accomplishment, hard work and most importantly, work flexibility.During the interview ask what his or her professional values are. And if you cant find the companys values on their website, ask about them as well. Do some of them match yours? Then this manager may be a good match for you.2. They are open and approachable.While interviewing you can watch how your potential boss handles interruptions like people knocking on the door or from their phone. Notice their body language while listening to your questions as well as while theyre answering.Do they appear closed up with arms crossed and sitting far from the table or are they engaged by leaning forward and arms on the table. Do they encourage you to keep asking questions? If so, you can safely assume their door will always be open.3. They like to stay in touch.While in your interview ask your potential manager how he or she stays in touch with their kollektiv especially if most have flexible work schedules.Do they host quick morning meetings or weekly meetings to get everyone on the same page? Is there an online tool they manage where people can check in on work progress or do they use a kollektiv chat app? If there are processes like these in place your manager understands that a good relationship is like a two-way street.4. They set goals that motivate the team and creates a cool mini-culture.Aiming to hit team goals gives the team a purpose to do more than just hit the numbers. These goals can form a culture within the team thats empowering. Ask about an example of a recent goal the team accomplished, how the manager motivated them, and how the teams behavior was affected (hopefully positively).If most of the team has flexible work schedules, how have they grown their mini-culture? If you learn about some positive experiences you can bet your to-be manager will aim to be a great one.5. They are open to giving and receiving feedback.Find out how the team is strengthened with positive feedback and constructive criticism. How has it fueled the growth and mini-culture theyve got going on?This is more than performance reviews that HR facilitates, although you should find out if the company hosts these or not. This is about how the teams management continues to shape the team by dishing out kudos or show ways to improve. If you value being given a sense of direction then this manager would be the one for you.6. They are a good leader within the company as well as the team.A goodboss is not afraid to stick up for their teams needs, like work flexibility. If you get the opportunity to talk to your potential co-workers ask what kind of leader their manager is.Have they ever seen their manager go to bat for the team? How did the company react? If you feel admiration you can have faith your to-be boss will lead you and your future team in the right direction.7. Theyre both a good listener and a good coach.A good boss can act as a good sounding board where you are free to express your thoughts with little fear of judgment. Your potential manager should listen to you intently while interviewing.Ask yourself if you feel like youre really being heard. To test, ask your to-be manager a question based on what you just said. Can you tell if they got your point proving that they truly listening? If so, youll feel valued and thats a great feeling to have in an interviewUntil the day comes where we are given the option to check off manager personality traits in our job search criteria its your job to figure out if your future boss will be a great one. Now wed love to hear from you What criteria would you check off for boss personality traits to ensure youd love your new job? Leave a comment belowReaders, how do you size someone up when youre job interviewing? What do you think makes a good boss? Share your tips by leaving a comment

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Your winter accessories are disgusting and full of germs

Your winter accessories are disgusting and full of germsYour winter accessories are disgusting and full of germsIt was recently reported that the flu is pretty bad this year (between 6 and 7 million people have had it in the U.S. so far this winter) which means germs are everywhere. So to combat that (and the cold weather in a lot of the country) we bundle ourselves up in our hats, gloves, scarves, snoods, face masks, etc., But it turns out those winter accessories may have the most germs of allAccording to researchers from the University of Virginia, viruses can survive outside of your body for weeks. Weve written about how disgusting your office is regularly which means your hands are constantly coming into contact withE. coli, flu, and cold germs and then you are going and sticking your hands in gloves which are thus completely contaminated.According to Swirled, flu germs can live on your gloves for two to three days and stomach viruses including rotavirus and norovirus can stay t here up to four weeks Your gloves are weapons of mass destruction at this point.But gloves arent the only culprit. That fun striped scarf you are wearing is absolutely disgusting too. Scarves come in contact with your hair and lips and lets face it, many of us use them as a couch receptacle which literally just puts the germs right back in us.Basically, the lesson here is to wash your winter clothes at least a few times a season, even though it is annoying.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns

Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns That special interviewing and vetting techniques are likely to be required should come as no big surprise after all, leprechauns are wily and mischievous, with a legendary agenda of their own, but with potential for big payoffs for the right employer willing to bet on riches at the end of the rainbow.Here are some general useful guidelines- Ten Leprechaummandments, if you will- to ensure your effectiveness and safety while interviewing a leprechaun1. Never preface a question with I would like to know. That may be interpreted by the leprechaun as one of your three wishes, in the event the candidate is or becomes a captive, and therefore forced to fulfill your wish-trifecta.2. In general, their work experience is limited to making shoes- in some instances only one shoe of a pair (or so it is said of them). Accordingly, short-listing should, where possible, be for positions with g reat skill transfer potential. Among the careers and jobs most suitable for a shoe-making leprechaun areDictator berater Joseph Stalin and Mussolinis fathers started out as shoemakers (Mussolinis father having been a blacksmith, which means, among other things, making shoes for horses).Nike executive (mentor) Having mastered the ins and outs, so to speak, of shoe making, a Leprechaun will have a leg or shoe up on the competition and be well-qualified to mentor iron-fisted corporate leaders.GREEN-COLLAR LEPRECHAUNS, CHRIS AND TOBY, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, ST. PATRICKS DAY 2013 (Photo Michael Moffa)Boot and policy maker for jack-booted dictators who havent used up their three wishes.Note that in terms of satisfying ambitions of global dominance and undisputed rule over the masses, either advisory role may be suitable for a short-listed leprechaun.3. If you ask whether an Irish brogue has been a career asset, expect an answer about a 1. a coarse shoe of untanned leather, formerly wor n in Ireland and Scotland 2. a mans heavy oxford shoe, usually with decorative perforations and a wing tip. Thats assuming that the leprechaun can understand your non-Irish accent.4. If, because of the other kind of Irish brogue, you dont understand anything the leprechaun is saying, never ask him to repeat it- your request may be interpreted and wasted as one of your three wishes (if you have three coming to you).5. Never tell a leprechaun hes been short-listed. Not only is he likely to take offense- he may also sue you and your company for discrimination if hes not hired.6. Dont be surprised if the leprechaun is decked out entirely in green (or, much less commonly these days, red, depending on his lineage). Moreover, dont expect the leprechaun to ever wear anything else on the job. Although shoe making has only a limited skill-transfer potential in a segue to hospital employment, the leprechauns insistence on wearing green may require taking a close look at a hospital career, even if not in the hospital OR. Alternatively, a position with Greenpeace or some other environmental protection group could be given close consideration.7. Dont hesitate to offer so-called dollar-a-year jobs that provide a token honorarium to select leprechaun professionals who, in effect, are volunteering their services. Presumably, the leprechaun will have lots of gold stashed somewhere, even if not at the end of a rainbow (which is obviously blarney designed to deflect would-be thieves from the real cash cache).POSSIBLE LEPRECHAUN SIGHTING, DUBLIN 2013 (Photo Michael Moffa)8. If you are not sure whether the candidate (who may resemble Chris, Toby or the figure shown in the London and Dublin photos) is a leprechaun, you might consider dangling a compensation package with payment in gold rather than dollars as a litmus test. Being hardcore gold bugs, a leprechaun will pounce on that offer.The problem with that is, in light of virtually limitless quantitative easing and an exploding su pply of Fed-issued fiat U.S. dollars and risk of hyperinflation, almost every savvy job applicant will (or should) respond the same way and go for the gold.9. If you are considering a leprechaun for a position with respect to which he is inexperienced, dont say that the company is willing to take on a green recruit. That will either confuse him or land you in court (again, for discrimination, however veiled).10. If the leprechaun is not suitable for any current opening, consider holding him captive and extracting three wishes. To maintain an appearance of perfect professionalism, you should carefully consider making the first wish one consistent with your industry code of ethics and expectations, say, I wish there were a job I could offer you, which will raise no eyebrows or suspicions, .since you say that every day.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Use Training Technology to More Effectively Engage Participants

Use Training Technology to More Effectively Engage ParticipantsUse Training Technology to More Effectively Engage ParticipantsWith flat HR budgets, changing audience expectations, and increasing training requirements due to new regulations and evolving technologies, corposatz learning and development professionals face many challenges today. Regardless of individual business circumstances, the central challenge for training professionals remains the same finding a way to ?engage employees and increase knowledge retention. Using the right approach and technology tools, its a challenge training professionals can take on with confidence. Virtually all training professionals understand that getting their audience to participate in a trainingsession is essential to engaging employees. But trainers are frequently tasked with instructing large groups under strict time constraints, which makes it difficult for individual audience members to directly participate in the conversation. Thats whe re technology can make a difference. Use Response Technology Response technology, that allows trainers to embed questions into presentations and empower audience members to respond via a remote device or smartphone, can help training professionals measurably improve results. Here are five ways technology can help Training technology can improve engagement. Training is more effective when learners actively participate in a discussion rather than listening to a top-down lecture. Trainers can use technology tools to make training a two-way conversation, embedding questions into presentations, enabling audience members to respond via remotes and smartphones, and displaying aggregate results directly in slides. When their voices are heard, training session participants pay more attention.Response technology can deliver real-time metrics. Sometimes its difficult for trainers to gauge their audiences grasp of the material during presentations. Technology can provide a way to administer real-time quizzes and instantly view aggregate results so trainers know whether they can move on or if they need to spend more time covering a specific topic. This makes the training session more efficient since trainers can focus on the right topics. Technology tools can increase the course review response rates. Many instructors hand out course review cards after training classes to solicit feedback on the instructor and material. But the participation rate of session attendees is typically dismal.Allowing students to respond to questions or rate their experience using remotes or mobile devices can bring participation rates up to 100%. The faster the instructors can process the feedback, the quicker they can incorporate changes to ensure that they are delivering the most effective presentation. Polling software can expand audience participation. Some training course participants are reluctant to speak up in a group setting. This can mean that instructors who ask for input must re ly on a handful of extroverts.Polling software that enables anonymous audience responses to preset questions can broaden the pool of active session participants. That means even audience members who are generally too shy to participate in a traditional classroom discussion contribute their responses and become more engaged as active participants in the virtual conversation. Technology solutions can unlock the power of peer learning. The concept of peer instruction, pioneered by Harvard Professor Eric Mazur, can improve corporate training sessions through the power of crowdsourcing.In this scenario, instructors can embed open-ended questions in presentations using response technology and facilitate discussions between learners. This allows them to leverage their collective wisdom to arrive at the correct answer rather than providing the solution. Training is Essential Employee training remains an essential component of the HR function, but as training demands increase, audience expectations shift and competitive pressures accelerate. In this environment, training and development professionals must find new ways to engageparticipants and improve retention. Training technology can give instructors the tools they need to measurably improve employee engagement and results. By following these tips, trainers can use technology to enhance their efforts to create an informed, engaged and knowledgeable workforce, and give their company an unbeatable competitive advantage.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

This is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidate

This is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidateThis is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidateDo people really double check your credentials and call up the schools you put down on your resume? Yes, let the story of Melissa Howard, a disgraced Republican candidate for the Florida Legislature, be your cautionary tale on why you shouldnt fake details of your resume.Last week, local news outletFLA News reportedthat Howard faked her resume and did not obtain a degree from Miami University in Ohio as she said she did in her candidate bio(which has since been taken down). FLA News said that Howard attended Miami University from August 1990 to May 1994, but did not graduate. Initially, Howard said the accusation was false, and to prove it, she posted a picture of her diploma.FLA News backed down from its claims but then the school corroborated the outlets reporting. We have no such record of a degree, the universitys general counsel said in a statement, noting that t he school does not even offer a degree in marketing that Howards diploma claimed she got. Miami Universitys degree for marketing majors then, as it is now, was a Bachelor of Science in Business.The jig was up. Howard admitted that she had lied and officially suspended her candidacy last Tuesday. I have come to the realization that the right thing to do for my community is to withdraw from the race, she told WWSB. I made a terrible error in judgement.Why you should never fake your diplomaHoward joins a long list of people who thought they could fake their credentials without consequence. There are many fibbers among us at the office. Nearly half of us - 46%- said that we know someone who has lied on their resume, according to staffing service firm OfficeTeam.Last year, one high school principal was caught lying about her education credentials by some intrepid student journalists. Employees have even become executives and CEOs with lies on their resume before eventually getting caugh t.You can last a long time with a faked resume, but eventually, people can abflug asking questions and your past can catch up to you. Your high rank may show that you were able to exhibit basic competence in spite of gaps in your background. But the betrayal of trust is what led to each of these fakers downfall.If you could lie about that part of your past, hiring managers may think. What else are you lying about?

Friday, December 6, 2019

Top Resume Introduction Tips!

Top Resume Introduction Tips Type of Resume Introduction In summary, the above are a few of the tips we find helpful in preparing a superior MA resume. Payment Forms arent any distinct. It helps to incorporate skills that you have over a restart. Describe how youre very likely to foster the company from Day One. So How About Resume Introduction? The introduction is just one of the mostimportant components of the resume. If you opt to go with a paragraph narrative, then your creative writing skills will need to be strong. If youre lacking in the experience department, it may be better to try out a different resume introduction. Writing introduction is crucial as it aids in starting the project work. When writing your statement, it is necessary to think about where youre in your professional progression. The narrative format enables you to control the information that you provide. In case you have any questions, dont hesitate to comment below. You should make koranvers your resume summary statement concisely demonstrates why youre a perfect candidate for the particular job and business. You ought to have five objective statements. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction which you can increase the peak of your resume. The Supreme Strategy to Resume Introduction However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. On the flip side, the moment the work applicant has strong experience, there is not any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not indicate you have to write alone. One of the hazards of a resume objective is that youre able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you are going to add value to the p rovider. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career which you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. The absolute most efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for. A critical requirement if youre attempting to find a new job with an employer, but in addition one of the toughest things you will have to address if youre a felon owing to your circumstance. Make sure that if youre interviewing for employment that you have a considerable interest in it from the get go. Finally, make sure to compose a new statement for each job you apply for, so the employer sees what makes you a great fit for that particular job. Since employers receive thousands and thousands of applications for a similar job, a typical cover letter that seems to be going with every othe r application will not find another thought. You might also have your communication and disciplinary abilities, and highlight how patient youre with your students. The entire introduction isnt to be written in the pointers but the essential points have to be given in the pointers. You dont require experience to get achievements. The guide is available for download at this time and has 50 pages of detailed info to aid you with your work search. Following are a couple of the used formats and samples that you will be able to use whether the need comes up. Based on your degree of experience and the jobs youre applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary can fluctuate. Setup your surroundings Our very first purpose is to have the chance to execute AngularJS from Angular. View our Elements table to make certain youre hitting on the essential places.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Things You Need to Know About Implementing Personality Assessments

5 Things You Need to Know About Implementing Personality Assessments Personality assessmentscan do everything from foster connections betweencolleagues to build powerful teams and determine how well candidates fit within your established culture. That being said, it can be quite tricky to actually integrate these assessments into your hiring process, especially if youve never dealt with them extensively.If youre in need of some guidance when it comes topersonality assessments, here are a few lessons weve learned as a company that should help you when it comes time to bring personality assessments into your workplace1. Yourein Good CompanyThe majority of organizations between 60 and70 percent of them, according to some estimatesuse personality assessments to evaluate employees. As mora and more companies begin to warm up to the idea that fit is more than just a combination of job experience, train ing, and skills, they are turning to personality assessments to help them truly evaluate candidates in useful and accurate ways. Many of todays top organizations have found personality assessments to be invaluable tools in their hiring processes.2. They Need to Be FairPersonality assessments are one of the best ways to evaluate whether or not a given candidate isgoing to fit in atyour company but only if you assessments measure everyone against the same criteria, and only if those criteria are fair to diverse groups of people. Otherwise, you may make some truly poor hiring decisions based on inaccurate data.Oh, and one more thing If your personality assessments do not fairly measure all candidates by the same objective and unprejudiced metrics, then you may be leaving yourself open tolawsuits from candidates who feel your organization discriminated against themdue to their background or ethnicity.Be very careful that your personality assessmentsallabide by federal and state hiring laws3. Hiring Might Take a Bit Longer, But It Will Be Worth ItOnce youve incorporated personality assessments into your hiring process, you might find that some seemingly qualifiedcandidates dontmeet your new, more demanding standards. As a result,it may take longer than youre used to to find candidate who do make the cut but dont worry, because this is a good thing.See, personality assessments are helping you set the bar higher. Fewer candidates will be able to meet this bar, but the ones who do will be great culturalfits.You can also think of it as a trade-off You may be increasing your time-to-hire a bit, but in exchange, you can lower your turnover by as much as 12 percent.4. They Let Everyone ShineFor a long time, many employers thought that extroverts were always better sales candidates than introverts. The argument, which seems sound on the surface, is that an extroverts outgoing personality would help them make more and better sales, whereas an introverts quieter personalit y would prevent them from inspiring others to buy a companys products.Studies have shown this to be patently untrue. In actuality, it is the ambivert the person who has a mixture of introverted and extroverted qualities who makes the best salesperson. Personality assessments can help these ambiverts shine brightly where they might otherwise be buried under a sea of enthusiastic extroverts.Of course, the foregoing is just an example of one of the ways in which personality assessments can help employers find great candidates they may have otherwise missed. Personality assessments let everybody shine in their own way, giving organizations fuller pictures of their talent pipelines.5. They Are More Accurate Than You Might ThinkThis all sounds well and good, butcouldnt candidates fake their answers on these tests, making them inaccurate anduseless?The answer is No, not really. Although candidates couldtry toanswer questions according to what they think employers want to hear, rather tha n according to the truth, most personality assessments are aware that candidates sometimes try to do this. These assessments actually take into account candidates attempts to outsmart them and produce accurate results even when the candidates are not being totally honest Personality assessments dont really have right or wrong answers they just give insight into what a candidate is like.-Bringing a personality assessment into your hiring process may feel intimidating, but dont worry As long as you know what to expect, youll be drumherum yourself up for hiring success.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to stay focused and productive without getting burnt out

How to stay focused and productive without getting burnt outHow to stay focused and productive without getting burnt outAfter growing my business to nearly 7 figures and managing over a dozen employees, I have realized that mastering the art and science of focus and productivity is far more counter-intuitive than one would expect.Despite the advice that you hear on social media to Hustle, Grind, and Work 16 Hours a Day, the science, and my personal evidence show that this advice is horseshit (pardon my French).When you boil it down to the basics,focus and productivity require two things Time and energy.If you have 16 hours of work to complete but only 12 hours in which to do it You are screwed.Likewise, if you have 16 hours to complete 6 hours of projects but you dont have the energy to get out of bed You are alsoscrewed.With this in mind, here are my 5 tips for staying focused and productive without burnout.*Note There have already been some great responses to this question so I wil l do my best to provide unique insights that extend beyond the Pomodoro technique, eating that frog, etc. However I STRONGLY recommend all of the tactics mentioned in the Answer Wiki*1. Stop over extending yourself a.k.a. DO LESS WORKOne of the biggest ironies of productivity and success is that achieving more often requires that you doless.But before you ignore this point and roll your eyes at the computer screen, I want you to hear me out.Doing GREAT work requires that you are selective about WHAT work you do.Productivity requires that you have sufficient amounts of time to do everything and like I said, you cannot cram 16 hours of work into 12 hours No matter how hard you try.Not too long ago, I noticed that one of my employees (who at the time welches a subcontractor) performance was slipping.When I confronted him about the issues with his work, he told me that he was exhausted and overextended.And when he showed me how many projects he was juggling I wasnt surprisedHe had becom e caught in the trap of doingtoomuch to doanythingeffectively.I told him to relax and suggested that he cut back on his obligations and remove any clients who werent paying him what he was worth.He followed my recommendations and doubled his income by doinglesswork but doing that work at a greater level.Most people, especially entrepreneurs and freelancers tend to bite off more than they can chew because they want to make quick cash.Sure this might be a great tactic if you need to make up rent money or pay the IRS, but in the long term your work will always suffer, your clients will leave you, and you will be more stressed and less productive than ever.The bottom line?Do less work and do it better until you are paid more for your time.2. Focus on your happiness before you focus on your productivityNew York Times best-selling author ofThe Happiness Advantage,Shawn Achor reveals some interesting data in his book.The one that caught my eye the most is that happiness and fulfillment are the best predictors of success and productivity notlage the other way around.So what does this mean?It means that if you want to be more productive and successful, you should focus on your happiness firstI know that this probably sounds completely backwards to many of you, but the science is in and one of the quickest ways to boost your productivity is to boost your happiness.So how do you actually go about doing this?Personally, I recommend the followingWrite down 5 things you are grateful for professionally and personally every single morningStart meditating for at least 20 minutes a dayWatch standup comedy and other funny content during your free timeSpend more time with people you like and cut out toxic individualsGet out in nature3. Exercise, eat clean, and sleep hardLookSht happens and sometimes, you will need to work overtime and push hard in order to make ends meet and achieve your goals.These times are just a part of the human experience and shouldnt be seen as something n egative.HoweverWhen times like thisdohappen, your health and diet are normally the first things to sufferWhich is ahugemistake.Remember earlier how I said that all productivity and focus require more time and energy?Well, almost ALL of your energy is derived from your activity, diet, and sleep.Which means that they should be one of your biggest priorities.Even though these activities take moretime,they give you moreenergyallowing you to operate at a higher level throughout the rest of your day.Here are a few tips to optimize each.Just eat real food Cut out the processed crap, gluten, sugar etc.Sleep at least 8 hours a night in a blacked out room with the thermostat set to 67 F (if you have trouble falling asleep drink a glass of decaf tea with one TBSP of raw honey and 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar)Exercise for 60 minutes 3x a week, preferably lifting heavy weights and doing HIIT cardio. Every day you should walk for 30 minutes and get in a brief7 minute workoutDrink 3 cups of coffe e a day but do so before 2 p.m. and cycle off of it every 2 weeks so you dont build a tolerance.4. Do the RIGHT things with your down timeWhile I was looking at some of the other answers in this thread, I noticed a common theme Almost everyone suggests that you take more breaks to maximize your down time.HoweverI also noticed that very few responses tell youwhatto do when you take these breaks.Heres the thingIf you are taking regular breaks (as you should be) but you are spending them surfing on social media, watching porn, playing video games, or pounding beers, your productivity and health will suffer.You need to do the right things to make the most of these breaks.What are the right things?Glad you asked.ExerciseMeditateReadConnect with someone else (not social media)Walk outside in natureTake up a hobby or hilfsmittelDo things that will force you to grow and keep your mind and body active, the goal here isnt total relaxation (thats a necessary thing but different from a break)5. Compare backwards not forwardsMost people I know who suffer from high levels of burnout, stress, and anxiety have one thing in commonThey compare themselves forwards instead of backwards.What do I mean by this?Well, when these people have a bad day at work, say they lost a deal, were forced to fire an employee, or struggled to meet a quota They compare their performance to how they think itoughtto be (their future ideal) instead of comparing themselves to how theyusedto be.Now you might be thinking, Andrew, what the hell does this have to do with productivity but hear me out.Your productivity and focus, as we have already talked about, is largely determined by your energy levels and the amount of time that you have for a task.Now how much energy and time can you expect to have when you are constantly beating yourself up and comparing yourself to unrealistic ideals and expectations?Ill answer for you Very Little.And when you regularly entertain these thought patterns, you start to s lowly chip away at your happiness and general contentment in life (which fucks up point 2) resulting in even less energy and motivation to get things done.So if you are serious about your productivity, then you need to stop wasting time comparing yourself to who you think you should be.Instead Be grateful and look at how far you have come.When you take a step back and look at your journey, you will be filled with gratitude and you will put your problems into perspective, eliminating burnout and increasing your ability to perform and focus.Hope this helps.Andrew Ferebee, the founder ofKnowledge For Men, is a 3x Amazon best-selling author and host of a top ranked podcast with 4.5 1000000 downloads. Hes interviewed 400+ top experts like T. Harv Eker, Robert Greene, Steve Harvey, Grant Cardone, Bob Proctor and Gary Vaynerchuck to help men reach higher levels of success, freedom and fulfillment.Thiscolumnfirst appeared atQuora.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to stop apologizing at work and what to say instead

How to stop apologizing at work and what to say insteadHow to stop apologizing at work and what to say insteadIf youre someone who knows the value of a good apology- not just for mending fences but also for strengthening relationships in every area of life- youre way ahead of most people.But if you apologize constantly for every little thing- whetherbei or not its warranted- listen up. You may be standing in the way of your own success.The habit of injecting the word sorry into every other sentence you utter might seem harmless on the surface. But it can undermine your authority and your confidence, portray you as weak and indecisive, and even damage your credibility.Worst of all, over-apologizing can desensitize your listeners when you want to deliver asincere and necessary apology. The more you say youre sorry, the less power it has. Remember the boy who cried wolf? If everything rises to the need for an apology, then nothing does.Recognizing the problemDo these casual (and unneces sary) apologies sound familiar?Sorry, can you repeat that?Im sorry, but I disagree.I have no available appointments this week. Sorry about that.Im sorry, but I have to let you go.Though oftenattributed to women, apologizing isnt just a female problem. Psychologists tell us that people who compulsively apologize for small infractions may be manifesting anything from a nervous tic to a social disorder. Frequent apologizers may be insecure, introverted, or just overly self-conscious. They may have been raised in strict families or put a high value on getting along with everyone. Sometimes the habit is an unconscious reaction tostress or anxiety.What makes some of us fall into this counter-productive habit? It might be performance anxiety, such as ourfirst day on a new jobor when we lack confidence in our ability to run with the big dogs. Its almost as if were apologizing for taking up space, which is no way to make a good impression on a job or with a client.More often, though, over-ap ologizing is an unconscious habit thats annoying at best, and at worst, sends one or more unwanted messages that can really work against usIm not sincere.Im afraid of you.I dont trust you to give me what I want if Im not super nice.I dont think Im good enough to talk to you, ask for anything, or even be here.Diagnose yourselfAsk yourself youve ever said you were sorry for any of the followingSaying noWinningAsking for a raiseyou deserveGetting angry about an injusticeHaving an opinionFeeling an emotionCryingFaintingThrowing upBeing injuredTending to your own needsDid you answer yes tofour or moreof the above? Read on.Consequences of too much sorryIf we dont need to apologize for having an opinion, needing help, or just being human, then what are we trying to accomplish through this behavior?Sometimes we apologize to deflect, in advance, a negative reaction to what were saying. Its as if were trying to smooth ruffled feathers before the ruffling begins.Its true that an apology, espec iallya sincere and necessary one, can actually take the heat off. The over-apology habit may begin innocently when we spontaneously apologize for a real offense. Our opponent softens or even backs down, saying, Dont worry about it, its nothing. BAM A magic bullet, we conclude. But then, as the quick and insincere apology becomes our weaponry of choice, we become almost addicted to it. Serving as both sword and shield, the frequent apology appears to disarm our opponent while protecting us from further attack.So how do you break the habit?Instead of saying Im sorryIn all your communications, but especially on the job, be brief, specific, direct, and unapologetic. Simply state the problem and how youll fix it. And then shut up.If youre uncomfortable delegating scut work, try thisWere in a crunch, and all these files need to be cataloged by end of day. Do you have what you need to get started?If youre constantly apologizing for what you cant control, try thisI know Ive had to reschedul e this meeting several times. Thank you for understanding.If someone mistreats you and you start to get emotional, try thisHey, that hurt, or That isnt helpful. You can even say, I need a few minutes to collect myself, and then leave the room.Pro Tip You can leave any room under these circumstances. Even if youve just been fired. No apology necessary.If something goes wrong on your watch, try thisThe project took longer than I expected. Ill have it for you first thing tomorrow. Then stop.Helpful Hint If you missed a deadline because of your own poor time management, then you should apologize. But dont offer an apology on behalf of a team member or a difficult client.Case study How to spot when you do need to apologizeA guy Ill call Roy worked in the accounting department of my organization. Roy seemed to enjoy jerking my chain by routinely withholding information and taking forever to provide numbers I needed to do my job.The showdown came one day when I needed some of Roys data to complete a report that welches due on my CEOs desk the next day. Roy informed me Id have to wait a week. Id had enough. Through clenched teeth, I said, Id hate to have to tell the CEO that his proposal got stalled on your desk. The next morning I still had no report from Roy. Instead I had a note from human resources.Apparently, in HR-speak, my remark amounted to a threat toward a subordinate, ahuge workplace blunder. Implying Roys job might be in jeopardy if he didnt cooperate was, well, harassment. The HR director strongly suggested an apology to Roy would help me avoid any unintended consequences.Deeply humbled, I swallowed my pride and went to Roys cubicle. I apologized for misusing my position to pressure him, and I showed appreciation for the thankless job he did every day. I know you have a lot of conflicting priorities, and I was just trying to muscle my way to the top of the pile, I said. Im sorry I did that. It wont happen again.I had Roys report that afternoon, and ever a fterward he was pleasant and cooperative. Thats one of the magical things that can happen when you apologize appropriately. I call it the paradoxical superpower.Transforming weakness into strengthBefore we toss the baby out with the bathwater, its important to recognize several positive character traits behind the habit of over-apologizing. For instance, it may arise in someone with strong empathy for others. Empathy- the ability to consider anothers point of view and understand the feelings she may be having- is rapidly becoming a critical soft skill. Someone who knows when and how to apologize appropriately has a huge advantage in the empathy column. A study by researchers at Harvard and Wharton business schools showed that certain apologies can even increase trust.So where does this leave the over-apologizer who wants to reform?First, take comfort in the fact that youre probably a good, considerate person who wants everyone to get along. Youre also likely to score highly on the e mpathy scale, a huge asset in business and life. What you dont want is to appear to be afraid of the space you occupy, to be someone who lacks the courage of her convictions or who doesnt feel entitled tospeak her mind.Like any other bad habit,overcoming it takes practice. Youll try avoiding the words Im sorry for a while, stumble, and get back on track. Try taking a friend or trusted co-worker into your confidence about what youre trying to accomplish, and agree on a high sign she can give you if she hears you apologizing unnecessarily. Then, reward yourself for the effort.And keep at it. What you lose by giving up the emotional currency of frequent apologies, you will gain back inpersonal confidenceand self-esteem. Thats something of real value.Bottom lineDont apologize unnecessarily- know how to recognize when a sincere apology is necessary.This article was originally published on Career Contessa.

What to Do When a Layoff Is Lurking

What to Do When a Layoff Is Lurking What to Do When a Layoff Is Lurking What to Do When a Layoff Is Lurking You have a job but youre worried about a possible layoff. Here are 10 things you can do to take better control of your career security and employability while you're still employed. 1.Update your resume and keep it current. Enhance it regularly with your latest achievements or added responsibilities. 2.Make a list of your responsibilities and accomplishments from the past couple of years. Compiling this list while youre working makes it much easier to remember things you've accomplished in your current job. 3.Compile a list of all your internal and external contacts so you can start networking immediately. Dont wait until youre laid off to begin exploring your career options. 4.Get professional resume writing assistance to create a spectacular resume. An average resume just wont do you!'s online resume builder is great for writing your own resume, with online and live support to make it even easier. But you might also consider investing in a career coach or professional resume writer if you want even more expert help. 5.Learn to write excellent cover letters. You can find lots of advice in this blog, our Learning Center, other online resources, and in books. Each can help educate you on how to write effective cover letters. Use the advice that sounds best for you. 6.Make copies of your performance reviews. If you do get laid off, use your performance reviews to prove to hiring managers that your layoff was due to a lack of business or a buyout, not poor performance. 7.Ask to review your personnel file, which is typically kept in the Human Resources department. You dont want to find any surprises in the files contents after you leave. If theres any inaccurate data in your file, this is your chance to correct it. 8.Create a professional online profile on business-centric networking sites such as LinkedIn. Also, take better control of your profiles on social networks such as Facebook. This means denying public access to potentially embarrassing information and pictures that may send the wrong message to a potential employer. 9.Cultivate your professional references now by contacting previous colleagues and bosses who will provide excellent references for you. Ask each of them the following: Are you comfortable providing a spectacular reference for me? If they hesitate, find someone else. 10.Get organized by establishing easy methods to track all your job search activities, career documents, and networking contacts. If you believe there is even a slight possibility you will be laid off, preparing for it now can make it easier to secure a new job in the future.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The World Happiness Report shouldnt be so hard on U.S. workers

The World Happiness Report shouldn't be so hard on U.S. workers The World Happiness Report shouldn't be so hard on U.S. workers When it comes to measures of happiness, Scandinavian countries persistently beat the U.S. This year is no different.The World Happiness Report 2017  launched at the United Nations on the International Day of Happiness  yesterday.So who is reportedly the happiest?  Norway is at the top of the heap  in the World Happiness Report this year. Up from fourth place in 2016, the nation is trailed by Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland.Those top  four countries have high levels of these elements: “caring,” “freedom,” “generosity,” “honesty,” “health,” “income,” and “good governance.”Good for them - but the document comes down really hard on America. The report’s author on “Restoring American Happiness,” Columbia University professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, painted the United States as a gloomy nation “looking for happiness ‘in all the wrong places,'” and said that the “country is mired in a roiling social crisis that is getting worse.”That doesn’t seem to be the complete picture, however, once you look at the factors that the report’s authors use to establish happiness.As for the United States, while certain points about the nation’s current state are definitely valid, and the nation is certainly not as “happy” as it could be, it could have been ranked higher than spot #14.The unhappy United States of AmericaSome of the criticisms of the US in the World Happiness Report 2017 are already well-established.Income inequality still  plagues the US, according to a 2015 Fortune article.  US salaries are not keeping up with the cost of living.Americans aren’t even as giving as they used to be, apparently.  A 2016 study found that “there has been a 10 percent decline in helping behavior in the United States, but not in Canada.”  The World Happiness Report 2017  noted that as a strike against America and said that “the extent of pro-social behavior among Americans is on the decline.”You still need a college degree to make mo re money. A 2014 Pew Research article stated that “young college graduates are outperforming their peers with less education” - to the tune of  $17,500 more in salary per year.The U.S. isn’t so bad, actuallyCertain misconceptions about the current state of the US could have pushed the nation from being higher up on the 155-nation list.For instance, Sachs uses the U.S. political situation to argue that the country is unhappy.He writes the recent presidential election is proof that “the U.S. political divide is increasingly a divide between those with a college degree and those without.” He uses that divide, and implicitly, the rise of Donald Trump, as a strike against American happiness.But Sachs isn’t exactly right. It’s true that blue-collar workers are unhappier than managers or executives, on the whole - perhaps due to harder labor and less autonomy.But those dynamics are not necessarily related to the election.For example, Trump voters were not necessary all as un educated and/or lower-income as popularly portrayed. Those assumptions are based on exit polls, which are highly unscientific and inaccurate, because they’re based only on asking people how they voted. People can, of course, refuse to answer or talk about their vote, which leads to erratic results. That’s one reason exit polls failed to predict the outcome of the election.“Most strikingly, Mr. Trump won his biggest margins among middle-income white voters, according to exit polls, a revolt not only of the white working class but of the country’s vast white middle class,” a  New York Times article says.  It’s been 16 years since the 9/11 attacksAnother mark against the U.S., Sachs argues, is that the country has yet to “acknowledge and move past the fear from the 9/11 attacks.”The World Happiness Report 2017 says that after that event, “America’s reaction to these unprecedented terrorist attacks was to stoke fear rather than appeal to social solidarity,” like st arting “an open-ended war on terror.”That theory, however, is hard to support. It’s been 16 years since the  9/11 attacks, and attacks on other Western countries, and a lot of policy has changed the country since then.Immigration doesn’t necessarily harm U.S. happinessThe World Happiness Report 2017 says that there has been a “decline in social trust related to the post-1965 surge in immigration to the United States, especially the rise of the Hispanic population.”To be clear, the report’s authors seem to suggest that immigration of Hispanic people to the U.S. is reducing the country’s happiness.There are a few reasons to question this logic.The first is that not every American feels the same way about immigration. Around two-thirds of Americans believe that undocumented immigrants to the U.S. should have a path to become legal, according to a recent CNN/ORC survey.Additionally, immigrants largely don’t take jobs from native-born American citizens, the Brookings I nstitution found.Campaign finance reform is unlikely to increase America’s happinessSachs claims that the first step to escaping America’s “social quagmire”   and increasing our national happiness is campaign finance reform.There is no support for that belief. There are, however, strong arguments for fixing social problems, including wages that have been stagnant for 40 years and problems with the educational system, as a way towards increased happiness.Yes, your job will dictate your happinessInterestingly, the type of job you have may also dictate your happiness.  A Harvard Business review article  analyzed the Gallup World Poll and found that blue-collar workers struggle to be happy - all over the world.“The first thing we notice is that people working blue-collar jobs report lower levels of overall happiness in every region around the world. This is the case across a variety of labor-intensive industries like construction, mining, manufacturing, transport, farming, fi shing, and forestry. People around the world who categorize themselves as a manager, an executive, an official, or a professional worker evaluate the quality of their lives at a little over 6 out of 10, whereas people working in farming, fishing, or forestry evaluate their lives around 4.5 out of 10 on average.”There also seems to be a divide between managers and business owners.Business owners reported having a lower quality of life than professional workers and managers, executives and officials did, including laughing less every day.While the U.S. can and should be doing more to make blue-collar work more fulfilling for Americans, the problem is a global one. It may be that political concerns outweighed social ones in this year’s World Happiness Report.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sallie Krawcheck Nobody ever got fired for asking for a raise

Sallie Krawcheck 'Nobody ever got fired for asking for a raise' Sallie Krawcheck 'Nobody ever got fired for asking for a raise' If you are looking for someone to help you find that confidence to go and ask for more in your career look no further than Sallie Krawcheck. She earned the nickname the Queen of Wall Street as she was the first woman to run not one, but two Wall Street firms - Merrill Lynch and Smith Barney. Though she worked in one of the most famously male-dominated industries (and boy, she can tell you some stories), when she left Bank of America it was not surprising that she turned her focus to helping women.In 2016, she launched  Ellevest,  the first digital investment platform  designed specifically for women. Ellevest’s goal is to equip women with the tools they need to prepare financially for their future and to close the gender investment gap. Yes, there is a wage gap, but there is also an investment gap.A  recent study  by Fidelity Investments found that eight in 10 women have refrained from discussing money with family and friends, partly because the subject is “uncomfortable” or â €œtoo personal” and only  47% said they feel confident when they talk about money and finances with a financial advisor.Krawcheck wants to change all that. She believes that women need to take control of your money because it gives you the freedom to do what you want both professionally and personally. Last week, Ellevest launched  five new funds, the Ellevest Impact Portfolios, to help women be socially responsible and impactful when they invest.In light of Equal Pay Day, and asking for more in your career, Ladders talked with Krawcheck on her best advice for getting more from your job, which doesn’t necessarily mean a raise right away, and why saying “no” can sometimes be the best answer.Nobody ever got fired for askingKrawcheck says you have to be aware of the gap but have the confidence to go in and ask for more.“We know we women are underpaid. We are underpaid by 21 cents on the dollar if we are white women and it’s much less than that if we are women of color. We k now there is an increasing awareness of it,”  she told Ladders. “The old days of people not knowing about it are over but we still need  to face facts. Even if our boss is a terrific guy just given the ways of the world there is an implicit bias. We come in with lower salaries and we don’t negotiate.”Krawcheck emphasized that nobody ever got fired for asking for a raise and if they did, it probably isn’t a place they should be working.Ask for 27 other thingsIf your boss says no to a salary bump that is not the end of the conversation.“If you do not get the raise ask for 27 other things. I  wouldn’t start with flexibility because that tends to send signals,” Krawcheck said. “They may ask, ‘Is she serious?’ But how about paying for this coding class? How about a marketing class? Could I have time off for this class? Can I work on this marketing project? Could you introduce me to so and so to be my mentor?“Whatever those things are you want to do it with an eye of returning to money later. This will turn into money next month or next year.”Don’t go in coldAsking for a raise should not be a spontaneous thing. You need to be carefully tracking your performance all year.“You have to be working on this all year round. Don’t go in cold and ask for a raise. There is still plenty of time right now. You need to establish what success looks like. What do you value? What are our most important initiatives?” Krawcheck told Ladders. “What you don’t want to do all year is think you’re doing a great job but actually be working on something your boss doesn’t care much about. What are those metrics?”Just say noThough the natural response when your boss or superior asks you to do something is “yes,” you need to look at how saying yes to everything is impacting your performance in the long run.“Learning to say no. A trap we women fall into is we become the work wife. We love to please and say yes to everything. ‘Will you take on this project? Yes.’ Research shows that you get rewarded for doing really well and going really deep on a few things,” she says. “You’re not getting rewarded for doing pretty good on a whole bunch of things. Some things aren’t important to the company. So rather than immediately say yes, you can say yes but ask what would like me to give up? What’s the tradeoff?”

Sunday, November 17, 2019

7 Ways to Have a Less Stressful Job Search

7 Ways to Have a Less Stressful Job Search 7 Ways to Have a Less Stressful Job Search Ask anyone who is job searching and they’ll likely tell you about the stress they are experiencing as a result of it. Even job seekers who have a relatively good job search can find themselves stressed from time to time when facing a change in employment. To help you have a less stressful job search, we’ve compiled a list of ways to combat stress. Do you know where your job search stress is coming from? It’s very possible that it’s more than one single thing. Job seekers not only experience stress from uncontrollable events such as hiring freezes and economic issues, but from the job search process itself. Common triggers for stress in a job search include the lack of feedback given to job seekers, not knowing who you are in competition with, and hiring decisions taking a long time- and then not knowing if you’ll hear back from an employer or not! These can be compounded by personal and financial issues as well. So, how do you make a stressful job search less stressful? Here are a few tips: 1. Identify your stressors and triggers. Everyone is affected by stress at different times and different levels. Take stock in your own stressors and triggers. Once you figure out the major triggers in your search, you’ll be able to address them, work through them, or learn to work with them. 2. Set realistic goals. It might sound like a good plan to map out your entire job search. While it is good to have a job search strategy in place, having a specific roadmap in front of you can cause anxiety and stress, especially if roadblocks occur. Make a few long-term goals, but make sure to break everything down into smaller, more realistic goals. Then, focus on a few each day or each week. Rather than setting yourself up for failure by missing unrealistic goals, set yourself up for success by setting reachable goals. 3. Take breaks. Powering through isn’t going to make your job search any easier or successful. In fact, taking breaks will help you. Rather than stressing and pushing through tasks you simply can’t focus on, walk away for a few minutes and get your mind on something else. Then, when you go back to job searching you will be refreshed, calmed, and  better able to focus. 4. Use a support system. Having a job search team on your side can help with a stressful job search. From people who will hold you accountable to people who simply offer a positive word, they all matter and can help you get through the tough parts of job searching. 5. Focus on wellness. Health, nutrition, and overall well-being are an important part of reducing stress. For a less stressful job search, take time each day to focus on physical activity, getting adequate sleep, and eating healthy. Minor changes involving your health can help lower stress, allow you to focus better, and give you more energy to job search. 6. Don’t take rejection personally. It can be incredibly difficult  not to be hard on yourself or get down when you are passed up for a job you thought would be a perfect fit for. Don’t take the rejection personally, though. Being turned away or turned down for an opportunity isn’t necessarily a direct reflection of you. It simply means another person was a better match at the time. Your chance will come. 7. Apply persistence, perspective, and positivity. These are three vital words to focus on. Throughout your job search continue to be persistent when applying for jobs and following up. Maintain perspective by focusing on the tangible goals that you’ve met. Lastly, but still paramount, practice positivity in your search. Be your own cheerleader and don’t let negative talk take over. By focusing on the positive things, you can help reduce your job search stress. Looking for more ideas to help with your job search? Check out our job search tips!   Readers, how do you handle a stressful job search? What tips would you offer to job seekers facing job search stress? Share with us below!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

6 Things You Should Never Do On Your Work Computer

6 Things You Should Never Do On Your Work Computer 6 Things You Should Never Do On Your Work Computer These days, many companies provide employees with a variety of work devices from smartphones to laptops and even tablets to complete their work with. Company IT departments usually set them up with your login information, a selection of important apps and all the bells ’n’ whistles that allow you to successfully do your job. Somewhere around day five on the job is usually when we start updating the device with our own preferences: changing the screen saver to a picture of your pet, logging into your Spotify account to queue up the perfect “working late” playlist, checking Facebook for the news of the day (oh, and to say Happy Birthday to that friend from high school), and so on and so on. However, cybersecurity experts say that weaving your personal and professional lives together via a work laptop is risky business - for you   and the company. Software technology company Check Point conducted a survey of over 700 IT professionals which revealed that nearly two-thirds of IT pros believed that recent high-profile breaches were caused by employee carelessness. “The greatest threat resides in your organization,” said Check Point. While we’ve all be warned to steer clear of NSFW (not safe for work) websites or links ( cough, cough porn ), there’s more than just naughty photos to avoid while using company-issued devices. As a refresher in cybersecurity and smart professional practices, we reached out to the experts to tell us the six things we should never do on our work computers. Bookmark this one, it’s going to surprise you. 1. DON’T: Save personal passwords in your work device keychain. Most of us use our work devices for eight or more hours a day. They come home with us, they become our primary device, sometimes used more often than our personal devices. Therefore, it’s so easy to click the button when prompted to “save password in keychain.” But not so fast. According to the Society of Human Resource Management ( SHRM ) many companies have a clause in their computer, email and internet use policy that makes storing personal passwords a potentially precarious move. It reads: “E-mail and other electronic communications transmitted by [Company Name] equipment, systems and networks are not private or confidential, and they are the property of the company. Therefore, [Company Name] reserves the right to examine, monitor and regulate e-mail and other electronic communications, directories, files and all other content, including Internet use, transmitted by or stored in its technology systems, whether onsite or offsite.” It’s always important to read your company’s policies and procedures as they pertain to internet use and equipment. Know what you can and cannot do. 2. DON’T: Make off-color jokes on messaging software. As chatrooms like Slack, Campfire and Google Hangout become increasingly handy for team collaboration, it’s easy to use them as though you were in the office break room having a gossip session with a colleague while raiding the fridge. However, those messages are being kept on a server somewhere and are just as retrievable as emails. Slack “has access to all of your chats,” says Trevor Timm in an interview with Fast Company , “[as well as] any internal communication you may not want in public,” including private conversations. Remember to be very intentional about what you say and don’t say on chatroom platforms. 3. DON’T: Access free public wi-fi while working on sensitive material. With so many of us working remotely or sending a few work emails over the weekend from a cafe, it’s tempting to grab your laptop and log on to free public wi-fi. After all, it’s everywhere and the boss isn’t going to wait until Monday for a review of that project. However, places that offer free wi-fi like the neighborhood coffee shop, the airport or the hotel, can open you up to fraud. “Don’t access your email, online bank or credit card accounts when on public Wi-Fi,” says fraud expert Frank Abagnale . “This is because con artists may set up fake networks that seem like the real thing but aren’t (this is known as the “evil twin” scam).” 4.  DON’T:  Allow friends or non-IT department colleagues to remotely access your work computer. “Now that remote access software is easily accessible, you have the ability to have virtually anyone you know access your computer from outside the office,” says Joe Rejeski , CEO and Founder of avenue X group. “You wouldn’t have your friend walk into the office and sit down at your computer without first checking with your boss. Beware of doing the same thing virtually.” It’s so easy to have a “personal” folder on your desktop full of all of the cute photos your spouse sent of your children or to save that receipt from the plumber, but it’s important to remember that a work device is not your property- it belongs to the company. “I knew a company that suddenly went out of business,” recalls Rejeski. “A few people voiced concerns about what would happen to their personal data (ex. tax returns) on their work computers. When the company closed down, securely erasing personal data from the work computers wasn’t exactly a priority for management. Nobody knows what happened to the computers or the personal data that was on them.” Another thing to remember is that if you ever get let go from a company, standard HR policy is to have you leave immediately. Rejeski says, “you probably won’t have time to remove those files.” Instead, consider keeping a USB wand on your keychain to save any personal data. 6.  DON’T:  Work on your side hustle while at the office. Many of us have second or third jobs that we do as hobbies or to earn extra cash , but don’t blur the lines while you’re “on the company dime.” As mentioned above, everything you do on your work device can be legally recorded by your employer and is as easy as IT pulling your data. Be careful about using your company devices for outside work . It may seem harmless, but can be the straw that breaks the camels back in a discussion with your manager or a dispute with HR. “Even if your coworkers are doing some craziness on their work computers, you could be the one that is made an example of,” adds Rejeski.

Friday, November 15, 2019

How to Craft a Payroll Resume That Will Stand Out

How to Craft a Payroll Resume That Will Stand Out How to Craft a Payroll Resume That Will Stand Out When applying for your dream payroll job, how do you make sure you’re among the most promising candidates? Simple: Make the job easy for the person reviewing your payroll resume. Managers want to hire skilled professionals, but they don’t love the vetting process. That’s because sifting through applications can be tedious and time-consuming. Executives look at an average of 40 resumes per job opening and spend 12 minutes on each one, according to a recent survey. Here are five ways to give them an easy time choosing you and your payroll resume. 1. You against the machine: Use the right keywords Managers seldom are the first ones to read job applications anymore. That goes for payroll jobs, too. When you submit your information, it often goes directly into an applicant tracking system (ATS), which scans your documents for predetermined keywords. For example, if SAP experience is a required qualification, the recruiter will search for “SAP.” A resume without that keyword won’t see the light of day - not matter how long you’ve been a super user of this enterprise resource planning software. To get past the ATS gatekeeper, you’ve got to use language a machine understands. Make sure your payroll resume contains the right keywords. Scrutinize the job posting to figure out what terms a hiring manager (and therefore the ATS) is likely to search for. (Hint: Keywords are often the phrases listed under both “major responsibilities” and “required skills.”) Then use them naturally. Modern ATSs, not to mention the human who will eventually see your application, can detect keyword stuffing. Search for payroll jobs in your city and subscribe to job alerts. 2. Tailor the resume to the job After the hiring manager found you by searching for certain keywords, you need to convince them you have the entire package - experience, skills and credentials - they seek. Submitting a generic resume isn’t making the manager’s job easy. It’s likely to lead the recruiter to skip over it and go on to the next candidate. Instead, figure out what the employer wants to see and make it easy for them to see it. A summary statement is a good place to speak directly to the manager. These few sentences should highlight your most relevant and impressive skills and accomplishments. Use active verbs and stay away from buzzwords. Focus on the qualifications the job posting emphasizes. It goes without saying that you should submit a slightly different resume for each payroll job you apply for. 3. Highlight your core payroll skills When an employer picks up your resume, the first thing they look for is your direct payroll experience, such as: Payroll systems (Sage, ADP, Lawson, Kronos, Paycom and so on) Credentials like the CPP (Certified Payroll Professional) Multistate and/or Canadian payroll Recent coursework in taxation and regulatory compliance Many payroll jobs are blended with other related roles, especially in smaller businesses. When applying for one of these hybrid positions, be sure to mention your skills in benefits administration, onboarding/training, administrative support or accounting. Take advantage of the cover letter to draw attention to key aspects of your payroll resume, such as a payroll certification, and play up the breadth and depth of your industry knowledge. 4. Show off your technical abilities Payroll is relying more and more on cloud-based platforms, not only for payroll processing but also for financial reporting and generating operational data. As such, tech skills can really make a payroll resume stand out. So if you’ve got them, flaunt them. Mention your proficiencies, especially with Microsoft Excel. List all the payroll, accounting and HRIS (human resources information system) software you know. What’s more, tell prospective employers you enjoy working with technology and are eager to learn new systems. 5. Demonstrate your soft skills While it’s true that today’s payroll jobs are highly technical, much of what a payroll specialist does still relates to people and personality traits. There are new employees to process and possibly onboard. When an employee’s paycheck has an error, it’s up to payroll to troubleshoot and resolve that issue. You also have to be able to work well with colleagues within and outside of payroll. All of that requires self-initiative, creative thinking, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Bilingual abilities are a bonus. Make sure all this comes across in your resume. Don’t just list your interpersonal skills; tell how you’ve used them. For example, describe a time a non-finance colleague complimented you on how understandable a presentation you gave was because you tailored it to your audience and didn’t fill it with payroll-specific terms others wouldn’t know. Or, if you speak a second language, give anecdotes about how you were able to help an employee your coworkers couldn’t. Your payroll resume is a sales brochure with one purpose: to convince prospective employers to contact you for an interview. So make it easy by “speaking” directly to them and their needs.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How Amazon buying Whole Foods could one day affect how you shop

How Amazon buying Whole Foods could one day affect how you shop How Amazon buying Whole Foods could one day affect how you shop We all know the lament of the office worker: there’s just no time to take on the demands of bringing lunch to work every day, especially if it’s a healthy lunch. One big deal today could change that:  Amazon announced today that it is buying the upscale grocery chain Whole Foods in a deal worth about $13.7 billion.Amazon’s  e-commerce empire  has already forever changed how we shop online and now it wants to extend its reach into how we eat.[pullquote]  Sometimes nicknamed “Whole Paycheck” by laypersons unwilling to pay $93 for truffles, Whole Foods has been struggling  to compete with competitors like Costco. [/pullquote]Whole Foods, while notably expensive, faced a paradoxical problem of its own popularity, which was easily imitated.  Sometimes nicknamed “Whole Paycheck” by laypersons unwilling to pay $93 for truffles, Whole Foods has been struggling  to compete with competitors like Costco, Trader Joe’s and Walmart as they also began offering organic foods, but at cheaper prices.Amazon wants to be part of that $100 billion habit. With this  deal, Amazon is hoping that more people will associate with being their one-stop destination for all shopping needs - even for fresh vegetables.Of course, Amazon is known for technology, so where does that come in? Simply this: Through Amazon’s wide range of technology products, Whole Foods customers  may be part of a new future where you can plan your grocery list through a voice assistant or a barcode scanner. Imagine how useful that will be for shopping from work, or while commuting.If we want to see more on how  Amazon could change how you shop at Whole Foods, we can look towards  its Amazon Go prototype.  In this concept  store, Amazon experimented with making cashiers and checkout lines obsolete by  using sensors to track what foods you buy, so you can just pick up your food and go.Amazon already launched its own grocery delivery business, the AmazonFresh subscription service, in its   Seattle home base  in 2007, with some success.  But it hasn’t yet had nationwide success with online grocery shopping because perishable foods come with unique efficiency challenges that the company’s advanced logistics technology doesn’t account for.Why fresh food is so hard to getFresh food, with its lumps and bumps, defies many types of automation. An MIT paper memorably recounted how Amazon production workers were forced to discard extra bananas because AmazonFresh market’s definition of a banana bunch was exactly five bananas. About  a third of bananas that could be sold were wasted that way.[pullquote]Amazon experimented with making cashiers and checkout lines obsolete by  using sensors to track what foods you buy, so you can just pick up your food and go.[/pullquote]But through its new acquisition, Amazon is signaling that its found the way to getting you that bunch of bananas quicker and more effectively: by  taking over your local brick-and-mortar store.Through  Who le Foods’ 460 stores in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., Amazon gains new footholds into its food  distribution network, making the logistics and coordination of delivering fresh foods to your doorstep more possible. For Whole Foods, the acquisition comes at a much-needed time.Amazon disrupted the retail industry after it conditioned us to the convenience  of same-day home delivery service. By taking over our Whole Foods grocery carts, Amazon is projecting a future where customers could be telling their Amazon personal assistants, “Alexa, deliver my conflict-free lettuce in five minutes” - and not have that be a joke.And that makes your sad desk lunch just a little less sad - although it will still leave you at least $1000 poorer, if not a little more. Many people will decide that’s a price they’re willing to pay for convenience.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries)

Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries) Best Online Remote Jobs For College Students (Salaries) Most college students look for some part-time work during their studies. It can be a great way to secure some relevant work experience while also earning some extra money so you can get ahead of your student loan payments, or even just increase your ‘fun fund’. But balancing a full course load, assignment deadlines and study sessions with a job can be difficult, no matter how many hours it may take up. Many normal part-time jobs don’t offer the kind of flexibility students need. One solution that can work for busy college students is to work a remote job. But, what are remote jobs, what kind of skills do you need to get one, and what are the best remote jobs for college students? Great questions this article will addresseverything you need to know about remote jobs, and how you can use one to pay the bills while you study. This job hunting article covers: What is a remote job? What are the benefits of working remotely online as a college or university student? The skills, education, and work experience you may need for working online Top 20 online remote jobs and their salaries for students How to customize a resume to apply for an online job What Is A Remote Job? A remote job, or an online job, is a job that is done remotely, instead of in the employer’s office. In other words, remote jobs don’t require you to be physically present in the office, or sometimes even in the city, where your employer is located. You may have also heard of the terms “virtual worker” or “digital nomad”, which are essentially synonyms for “remote worker”. Virtual workers work entirely online and will never (or, at least, rarely) visit their company’s physical office if there even is one. Digital nomads are remote workers who travel the globe (i.e. live nomadically) while they work online for one or more companies. However, unlike “gigs” or “freelancing”, which are usually one-off projects and fall under contract work and/or self-employment, having a remote job still means you are someone’s employee. The internet allows entire teams of people to work together, no matter where in the world they might be located. Some organizations are only made up of remote workers, while others have some combination of on-location and remote employees. As technology continues to develop, remote jobs are becoming a more accessible and more popular form of flexible working. According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report, 43% of Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely in 2016. The Benefits of Working Remotely Online Having a remote job as a college student allows you to earn money and build your experience in a way that works around your life as a student. It offers a great balance, no matter how many hours you put in at your remote job each month. Work Where You Want Don’t worry about taking the bus down to the office or even buying a new professional-looking wardrobe. With a remote job, you can put in a few hours in the library between your afternoon classes, or you can enjoy the full freedom of working from bed in your PJs. If you’re really good at managing your time and staying self-motivated, you can even work when you’re on spring break or home for the holidays. Work When You Want Some remote jobs are more flexible than others, but most of the time you can work whenever best suits you. Some remote jobs require you to put in a certain number of hours or days each week, while others will simply ask you to time-manage and make sure you meet your deadlines. Be sure to read the job description carefully to understand whether you would need to be available during particular hours, to ensure the remote job’s requirements don’t interfere with your class schedule. Save Money And Time Not only will a remote job help you earn money, but it can also save you money when compared to a regular, non-remote job. An article from Simple Texting calculated that the average remote worker would save anywhere from $357 to $555 a year on gas by working remotely. The same article also suggests remote workers save between 198 and 343 hours of commute time each year. That’s a lot of time that can be better spent studying or earning a salary. Requirements of Working Remotely Now that you’re convinced that a remote job is right for you, you’re probably wondering whether you’re cut out for one. But there is more to working remotely than having a good internet connection and a computer. Keep reading for the common skills, education levels, and levels of work experience required of college students who work online remote jobs. Skills College students who work online jobs need to be self-motivated, organized and good at time management. Remote employers will expect that you’ll be able to get your work done efficiently, even without your boss or coworkers watching over your shoulder. Even though remote workers won’t work with their coworkers face-to-face, they also need to show good teamwork and collaboration skills. Working as part of a remote team has its own challenges, and demonstrating that you know how to work as part of a group is key. Interpersonal communication skills also play a huge role here, as you’re going to have to be able to communicate with the rest of your team in a clear, efficient way to complete projects and tasks. Finally, because remote jobs are done online, you’re going to need to have a good understanding of how to use online tools like email and social media. You may also want to get used to using common collaboration tools used by remote teams, like Slack, Basecamp, and Teamwork, or brush up on some of your digital skills like blogging or coding. Education Level Those with a degree are more likely to work remotely. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, 46% of workers aged 25+ with an advanced degree worked remotely in 2017, compared to 12% of those aged 25+ with a high school diploma. However, this doesn’t mean college students can’t work remotely. Like non-remote jobs, the level of education required for a remote job will depend on the nature of the job. As a college student, employers will expect you to have a high school diploma. Some may also require you to have completed a certain number of years of your degree, or may make a more general statement like “some college experience required”. Be sure to read the job description carefully to see if you meet the requirements. Work Experience As a college student, you may not necessarily have a lot of work experience to put on your resume; but, you can still apply for remote jobs. Here are some tips on how to apply for remote jobs, depending on your level of work experience: If you have any previous remote work experience, be sure to list that first on your application and mention it in your cover letter. Look for remote jobs that are in the same or a similar field to your previous work experience. For example, if you spent a summer doing admin work at a local office, consider applying for virtual assistant jobs. If you have no work experience, there are still remote jobs out there for you. Think about past volunteer experience or extracurriculars. For example, if you used to write for your school newspaper, consider applying for content writing jobs. [sc name=cta-create-resume-1] Best 20 Remote Online Jobs For Students Please bear in mind that the salary ranges presented here are based on full-time work. As a college student, your salary will likely be pro-rated depending on the hours you actually work. Entry-Level Or Limited Experience Required 1. Virtual Call Center Agent ($2,542 $4,708/month) Many call centers will allow you to work from home. As a remote call center agent, you may have to answer customer inquiries and provide advice, or you might be asked to conduct market research. Common hiring requirements: great communication and time-management skills, previous customer service experience a plus Average salary: $4,062/month 2. Online English Teacher ($2,458 $3,917/month) Teach English online to people all around the world, from fellow students to business people. Some companies allow you to teach one-on-one, while others have small to large class sizes. Common hiring requirements: proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), English language teaching certificates (TEFL/TESOL/CELTA) Average salary: $3,737/month 3. Online Tutor ($2,667 $4,417/month) Do you really excel in one or more of your college classes? Consider tutoring other students online in one-on-one or group class sessions. Common hiring requirements: strong academic skills, good time-management, excellent interpersonal communication Average salary: $3,672/month 4. Remote Teaching Assistant ($1,875 $3,333/month) If your college offers online courses, consider becoming a remote teaching assistant. You’ll help fellow students get through their classes and understand their tests and assignments via email and other online communication tools. Common hiring requirements: strong academic skills, good time-management, excellent interpersonal communication Average salary: $3,146/month 5. Virtual Data Entry ($2,083 $4,333/month) Remote data entry jobs require you to take the client’s data in raw form (like survey responses) and entering them into a spreadsheet or other usable form. The client will usually show you how they want data to be entered. Common hiring requirements: strong writing and typing skills, organized and self-motivated, some research experience is a plus Average salary: $4,458/month 6. Transcriber ($2,917 $7,667/month) Remote transcribers (or transcriptionists) help their clients transcribe audio and video recordings so they can turn them into additional written content. Common hiring requirements: transcription test score (for speed and accuracy), good time management skills Average salary: $6,044/month 7. Website or App Tester ($2,708 $7,833/month) Some web and app developers will hire user testers to use what they’ve created and look for mistakes, bugs, and other issues. You’ll report those issues to your client and give feedback. Common hiring requirements: good time management, eye for detail, previous web development or UX experience a plus Average salary: $5,669/month Intermediate Experience Required 8. Remote Content Writer ($2,292 $4,875/month) Content writers help organizations write blog posts, articles and other content for their audience. As a content writer, you can write about anything from investment funds to the hottest travel destinations. Common hiring requirements: strong writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), previous writing experience, passion for the subject matter Average salary: $3,996/month 9. Virtual Editor ($2,625 $5,375/month) Many companies need help proofreading or editing the content their writers come up with. Virtual editors edit content based on the employer’s requirements. Common hiring requirements: strong writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual), eye for detail Average salary: $4,567/month 10. Remote Social Media Coordinator ($2,583 $3,875/month) Remote social media coordinators may be responsible for creating social media content (like photos, videos, and captions), engaging with other accounts and coming up with strategies to grow accounts. Common hiring requirements: excellent knowledge of social media tools, understanding of social media analytics and KPIs, strong writing skills Average salary: $3,478/month 11. Virtual Assistant ($2,667 $7,875/month) Virtual assistants, like normal assistants, provide administrative services like scheduling meetings and phone calls, creating and editing documents, sending invoices and handling paperwork. However, virtual assistants do all this remotely via their computer.See alsoTop Seasonal Temporary Jobs for Students (With Salaries) Common hiring requirements: strong organization and time-management skills, excellent communication skills, ability to multitask and meet deadlines Average salary: $5,382/month 12. Web Developer ($4,292 $7,417/month) Web developers work behind-the-scenes to make beautiful web designs a reality. Previous work experience is usually required, so you’ll want to have a portfolio of work ready to go. Bear in mind this doesn’t have to be paid experience, and free websites you created for yourself or friends can be useful. Common hiring requirements: strong programming skills, coding knowledge (HTML/CSS), previous web development experience Average salary: $6,146/month 13. Coding Specialist ($2,917 $3,750/month) Coding specialists work within web development and/or app development teams to create code. While you may not be responsible for an entire project, you will help a team bring an idea to life. Common hiring requirements: excellent knowledge of HTML/CSS, great communication skills, knowledge of UX technology and best-practices Average salary: $3,674/month 14. Graphic Designer ($2,792 $4,250/month) Students studying graphic design or art can get ahead in their career with part-time online work. You may help a company create logos, marketing materials, and social media graphics, among other things. Common hiring requirements: previous design experience, portfolio of previous work, great time management and communication skills Average salary: $3,698/month 15. Video Editor ($2,625 $4,417/month) Help companies (or YouTube stars) edit their raw video footage and create great end products. Common hiring requirements: previous video editing experience, great time-management Average salary: $4,034/month 16. Resume Writer ($2,708 $4,708/month) Put your job-seeking skills to use by helping others write or edit their resumes and cover letters. While this is usually more of a gig-based online job, recruitment companies may also hire remote workers to help. Common hiring requirements: previous resume writing experience, good knowledge of resume writing best-practices, excellent writing skills Average salary: $3,395/month More Experience Required (3-5+ Years) 17. Remote Project Manager ($6,167 $9,375/month) Project managers help teams stick to their timeline and/or budget when completing a project, and helps support cross-team communication. This remote job is best for college students at the graduate level, or who already have some work experience. Common hiring requirements: previous managerial experience, strong organizational and time-management skills, excellent communication skills Average salary: $7,667/month 18. Virtual Recruiter ($3,333 $5,000/month) Virtual recruiters help companies and recruitment firms scour the internet for great job candidates. You’ll contact these potential new hires and pass on leads to your client(s), as well as post jobs and sometimes conduct interviews. Common hiring requirements: good knowledge of recruitment best-practices, excellent communication skills, a few years of recruitment experience Average salary: $6,659/month 19. Academic Writer ($1,750 $4,333/month) Help fellow college students write and edit their academic work, from research papers to essays. While previous work experience may not be necessary, academic writers typically have a degree in the field they are assisting with. Common hiring requirements: bachelor’s degree or some form of higher education, strong writing and research skills, proficient use of the English language (native or bilingual) Average salary: $3,864/month 20. Web Designer ($3,333 $5,985/month) Web designers are graphic designers who specialize in websites and often help digital marketing agencies or companies create or improve their website visually. Common hiring requirements: previous design experience, portfolio of previous work, great time management and communication skills Average salary: $4,822/month How To Write A Resume To Apply For A Remote Job While you’re still going to want to follow general resume writing best-practices when applying for a remote job, you can customize your resume to make yourself more appealing to an employer hiring for a remote position. Remember that resumes should always be personalized to the individual job and that it’s never a good idea to submit the same generic resume for each remote job application. Online resume builders can help you pull everything together in one place, so you can duplicate and personalize your resume in a fraction of the time. 1. Mention Your Previous Remote Work Experience First If you’ve already done some remote work, mention this on your cover letter. You may also want to list your remote work experience in a separate section on your resume to really highlight it. Think outside the box freelance work or any kind of work-from-home activities are all considered remote work experience. 2. Highlight Crucial Skills We touched on some of these important skills already, but remember that remote employers are going to be looking for particular skills like time management, self-discipline, initiative, organization and problem-solving, along with teamwork, collaboration, and interpersonal communication. 3. Use Important Keywords Many companies who recruit online use systems called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that scan applicants’ resumes for important keywords. If those keywords don’t show up, your resume might get rejected automatically. So, be sure to read the job description carefully to try to identify some of these keywords, which usually show up in the required skills section. 4. Skip Your Address And Add Links Instead Because you’ll be working remotely, your physical address is less important. Instead, use the space you would normally use for your address to send the recruiter to your website, online portfolio or LinkedIn profile. 5. Show Some Personality While you always want to let your personality shine through on your resume, when applying for remote jobs it’s even more important that you tell them a little bit about who you are. Your remote employer may never meet you in person, and it will be important for them to get a sense of who you are so they can decide if you’re a good cultural fit for their company. In your cover letter, consider talking about why you want to work remotely, or your interests outside of work. Remote teams tend to have a greater appreciation for work-life balance (that’s why they offer the flexibility of working remotely), and they want to see that same appreciation in their employees. [sc name=cta-create-resume-1] Get Started And Apply! Now that you have an idea of what remote jobs can work for you (and your college student life) and how to apply for them, it’s time to start searching on reputable job boards for remote online jobs. Start by looking for the job titles listed in this article, or simply type “remote jobs” and see what’s available. New remote jobs are being posted all the time, so consider subscribing to updates so you don’t miss out on the perfect one.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Look the Part for Your Job Search

Look the Part for Your Job Search Look the Part for Your Job Search Invest in your image on and offline with a budget-conscious haircut, updated clothes, makeup, and a professional head shot for your online profiles. This week I want you to go shopping for your personal brand.That’s right, you heard me â€" shopping. Sure, you can tell your significant other that Amanda made you do it. And for those of you with tight budgets, I’ll show you ways to invest in your brand without breaking the bank.In all seriousness, to be successful in the job search you have to look and feel your best. Isn’t it easier to put yourself out there to network and interview when you’re feeling good about how you look?And while it’s not fair, experts agree that a person’s appearance can affect the outcome of one’s job search and potential for advancement in the workplace. Your personal grooming, professional wardrobe â€" even your haircut â€" play a role in your personal brand.Here are three ways to upgrade your look to improve your brand â€" on and offline.Get g roomed.Invest in a professional haircut and other grooming services such as waxing, makeup for the ladies, and a professional shave for the gentlemen. Look on Groupon or LivingSocial for daily deals on these types of services. Often, salons will offer free or discounted cuts for their academies, such as Aveda or Vidal Sassoon. Unless you’re in a highly creative field, stick to a more traditional haircut style. Ladies can take advantage of the cosmetics counter at the nearest department store or Sephora location for a free makeover. You may be guilted into buying a lipstick, but overall it will be great deal.Get tailored.During this holiday season most of you will be out and about buying presents for your loved ones. Put yourself on the list this year. Take advantage of the holiday sales to update your job-search wardrobe and accessories. Use sites like Deal News to find the best promotions, and shop sites like Overstock for discounted products. I am a big fan of Marshalls and TJ M axx for great deals on high-quality clothing and accessories. Is your family nagging you for gift ideas? Scope out the stores and ask for specific items or gift cards to boost your job-search attire.Get a glamour shot.Did you know that your LinkedIn profile is 40 percent more likely to be clicked on if you have a photo? But not just any photo. This image needs to be professional, friendly, and in alignment with your personal brand. Your selfie is not going to score you any points with prospective employers. And while you have a great family and your dog is adorable, neither of these images belongs in your profile picture.If you’re thinking about getting a family portrait taken at the local mall, ask if they could throw in a head shot of you as well. jcp offers discounts on portraits throughout the year, especially around holiday time. Really strapped for cash? Ask the photographer at the next event or wedding you’re attending to take a shot of you. Just make sure your attire and the background are suitable for your professional image.With a small investment you can boost your self-esteem and personal image for the job search, so give these tips a try this week. Next week, we’ll talk about making your professional resume mobile.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Death of Completely Free Resume Builder

The Death of Completely Free Resume Builder The Debate Over Completely Free Resume Builder Novoresume 2018 Free Professional Resume Builder is step one of any work search. Utilizing a reliable resume builder and free resume templates can help you make the the majority of the results. As the name implies, Free Resume Creator is still another completely free online resume or CV builder website. You can pick from the many free resume templates readily available, build a powerful and impactful resume and get prepared to get noticed! Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. On one hand, you've got to ensure your resume is in a position to symbolize your potential for the job in the proper way and on the flip side, it's necessary for you to check that it's legible and professional enough. If you're a newbie and creating your first resume, there isn't any place for virtually any risk with this completely free onlin e resume building tool. Possessing a professional resume is a necessary tool for finding work. Still, it is a good concept to make your resume reflect your perfect work atmosphere. In summary, it's necessary for you to make certain that you are able to walk the walk and talk the talk. You do not have to have advanced computer skills so as to use this one because within minutes, you will have the ability to develop a fantastic and appealing resume that will get you the job that you desire. The next step you will need to try create resumes is choosing what kind of continue you're likely to want. The Lost Secret of Completely Free Resume Builder Once you have gained enough knowledge, you might commence building your own. You most likely have work expertise above ten years then you may also make a resume of 3-4 pages. There are two means by which you will be in a position to create resumes. Thus, your resumes are only 1 push away usually. Now, take a look at best free online resume builder websites. In that instance, you have an outstanding host of resume builder tools r eadily available on-line today. ConnectCV is another exact efficient online resume building tool at no cost. You must be totally conscious of the strategic methods for writing a proper resume to make sure that it maintains a typical format and is in great calibration to the job. The Bizarre Secret of Completely Free Resume Builder The Interactive Resume Builder will make it simple for you to earn documentation for your job assignments and your abilities and training to develop a professionally looking html file. All such skills have to be mentioned in your resume, if they're related to the job that you are applying for. You only ought to put jobs on a resume that are related to the role available. Job interviews can be difficult. Employers typically do not prefer to get functional resumes because they do not show your work history or career progress. Tailoring your resume to suit a possible employer isn't any different. A resume tells employers what you've accomplished previously and that which you can do to help their company now. A resume is the main watchword in regards to applying for jobs, no matter the business. Utilizing a template can lessen the quantity of time you must spend formatting your document, which permits you to concentrate on adding content and polishing your resume. The template scene on the internet is bustling with a wealth of photographer resume templates to pick from, dependent on your kind of photography. At this point you have the plan template, you might use it repeatedly. The template isn't challenging to check out, and you might begin immediately. Completely Free Resume Builder Can Be Fun for Everyone You should revamp your work application as wanted if you choose to ha ve the type of task that you want. For first-time users, there's a guide that produces the practice of producing resumes and cover letters easier. Resume Builder The resume building process is pretty straightforward. The process of producing a resume is quite straightforward and straight-forward. Eresumes came along the area and knows of the locations which are more inclined to be identified by the recruiters. The very first key is to realize how resumes are organized. If you are in possession of a lengthy employment history, you don't will need to include everything. Browsing for jobs can be challenging and confusing. The Lost Secret of Completely Free Resume Builder The times you need to use a creative resume are fewer than when you need to use a formal resume. Your resume should ooze your own private sense of style, which can be readily achieved now with one of the absolute most amazing and contemporary job resume templates for Fashion designers. Double check to be cer tain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Thank you to your time to visit our site.