Monday, December 30, 2019
7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss
7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss3If you had the perfect boss, what personality traits would he or she possess? Agoodboss can make a decentjob great Answering this important question, prior to an bewerbungsgesprch, is a great job search tool. To help you decide what youd like to have in a future manager here are seven personality traits that could be at the top of yur list.7 Ways to Tell if Someone Would Make a Good Boss1. You share similar professional values.If you want work happiness your boss should share similar values. What are your values or the things in life that are important to you? For example some of your values might be family, a sense of accomplishment, hard work and most importantly, work flexibility.During the interview ask what his or her professional values are. And if you cant find the companys values on their website, ask about them as well. Do some of them match yours? Then this manager may be a good match for you.2. They are open and approachable.While interviewing you can watch how your potential boss handles interruptions like people knocking on the door or from their phone. Notice their body language while listening to your questions as well as while theyre answering.Do they appear closed up with arms crossed and sitting far from the table or are they engaged by leaning forward and arms on the table. Do they encourage you to keep asking questions? If so, you can safely assume their door will always be open.3. They like to stay in touch.While in your interview ask your potential manager how he or she stays in touch with their kollektiv especially if most have flexible work schedules.Do they host quick morning meetings or weekly meetings to get everyone on the same page? Is there an online tool they manage where people can check in on work progress or do they use a kollektiv chat app? If there are processes like these in place your manager understands that a good relationship is like a two-way street.4. They set goals that motivate the team and creates a cool mini-culture.Aiming to hit team goals gives the team a purpose to do more than just hit the numbers. These goals can form a culture within the team thats empowering. Ask about an example of a recent goal the team accomplished, how the manager motivated them, and how the teams behavior was affected (hopefully positively).If most of the team has flexible work schedules, how have they grown their mini-culture? If you learn about some positive experiences you can bet your to-be manager will aim to be a great one.5. They are open to giving and receiving feedback.Find out how the team is strengthened with positive feedback and constructive criticism. How has it fueled the growth and mini-culture theyve got going on?This is more than performance reviews that HR facilitates, although you should find out if the company hosts these or not. This is about how the teams management continues to shape the team by dishing out kudos or show ways to improve. If you value being given a sense of direction then this manager would be the one for you.6. They are a good leader within the company as well as the team.A goodboss is not afraid to stick up for their teams needs, like work flexibility. If you get the opportunity to talk to your potential co-workers ask what kind of leader their manager is.Have they ever seen their manager go to bat for the team? How did the company react? If you feel admiration you can have faith your to-be boss will lead you and your future team in the right direction.7. Theyre both a good listener and a good coach.A good boss can act as a good sounding board where you are free to express your thoughts with little fear of judgment. Your potential manager should listen to you intently while interviewing.Ask yourself if you feel like youre really being heard. To test, ask your to-be manager a question based on what you just said. Can you tell if they got your point proving that they truly listening? If so, youll feel valued and thats a great feeling to have in an interviewUntil the day comes where we are given the option to check off manager personality traits in our job search criteria its your job to figure out if your future boss will be a great one. Now wed love to hear from you What criteria would you check off for boss personality traits to ensure youd love your new job? Leave a comment belowReaders, how do you size someone up when youre job interviewing? What do you think makes a good boss? Share your tips by leaving a comment
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Your winter accessories are disgusting and full of germs
Your winter accessories are disgusting and full of germsYour winter accessories are disgusting and full of germsIt was recently reported that the flu is pretty bad this year (between 6 and 7 million people have had it in the U.S. so far this winter) which means germs are everywhere. So to combat that (and the cold weather in a lot of the country) we bundle ourselves up in our hats, gloves, scarves, snoods, face masks, etc., But it turns out those winter accessories may have the most germs of allAccording to researchers from the University of Virginia, viruses can survive outside of your body for weeks. Weve written about how disgusting your office is regularly which means your hands are constantly coming into contact withE. coli, flu, and cold germs and then you are going and sticking your hands in gloves which are thus completely contaminated.According to Swirled, flu germs can live on your gloves for two to three days and stomach viruses including rotavirus and norovirus can stay t here up to four weeks Your gloves are weapons of mass destruction at this point.But gloves arent the only culprit. That fun striped scarf you are wearing is absolutely disgusting too. Scarves come in contact with your hair and lips and lets face it, many of us use them as a couch receptacle which literally just puts the germs right back in us.Basically, the lesson here is to wash your winter clothes at least a few times a season, even though it is annoying.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns
Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns Guidelines for Interviewing Short-Listed Leprechauns That special interviewing and vetting techniques are likely to be required should come as no big surprise after all, leprechauns are wily and mischievous, with a legendary agenda of their own, but with potential for big payoffs for the right employer willing to bet on riches at the end of the rainbow.Here are some general useful guidelines- Ten Leprechaummandments, if you will- to ensure your effectiveness and safety while interviewing a leprechaun1. Never preface a question with I would like to know. That may be interpreted by the leprechaun as one of your three wishes, in the event the candidate is or becomes a captive, and therefore forced to fulfill your wish-trifecta.2. In general, their work experience is limited to making shoes- in some instances only one shoe of a pair (or so it is said of them). Accordingly, short-listing should, where possible, be for positions with g reat skill transfer potential. Among the careers and jobs most suitable for a shoe-making leprechaun areDictator berater Joseph Stalin and Mussolinis fathers started out as shoemakers (Mussolinis father having been a blacksmith, which means, among other things, making shoes for horses).Nike executive (mentor) Having mastered the ins and outs, so to speak, of shoe making, a Leprechaun will have a leg or shoe up on the competition and be well-qualified to mentor iron-fisted corporate leaders.GREEN-COLLAR LEPRECHAUNS, CHRIS AND TOBY, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, LONDON, ST. PATRICKS DAY 2013 (Photo Michael Moffa)Boot and policy maker for jack-booted dictators who havent used up their three wishes.Note that in terms of satisfying ambitions of global dominance and undisputed rule over the masses, either advisory role may be suitable for a short-listed leprechaun.3. If you ask whether an Irish brogue has been a career asset, expect an answer about a 1. a coarse shoe of untanned leather, formerly wor n in Ireland and Scotland 2. a mans heavy oxford shoe, usually with decorative perforations and a wing tip. Thats assuming that the leprechaun can understand your non-Irish accent.4. If, because of the other kind of Irish brogue, you dont understand anything the leprechaun is saying, never ask him to repeat it- your request may be interpreted and wasted as one of your three wishes (if you have three coming to you).5. Never tell a leprechaun hes been short-listed. Not only is he likely to take offense- he may also sue you and your company for discrimination if hes not hired.6. Dont be surprised if the leprechaun is decked out entirely in green (or, much less commonly these days, red, depending on his lineage). Moreover, dont expect the leprechaun to ever wear anything else on the job. Although shoe making has only a limited skill-transfer potential in a segue to hospital employment, the leprechauns insistence on wearing green may require taking a close look at a hospital career, even if not in the hospital OR. Alternatively, a position with Greenpeace or some other environmental protection group could be given close consideration.7. Dont hesitate to offer so-called dollar-a-year jobs that provide a token honorarium to select leprechaun professionals who, in effect, are volunteering their services. Presumably, the leprechaun will have lots of gold stashed somewhere, even if not at the end of a rainbow (which is obviously blarney designed to deflect would-be thieves from the real cash cache).POSSIBLE LEPRECHAUN SIGHTING, DUBLIN 2013 (Photo Michael Moffa)8. If you are not sure whether the candidate (who may resemble Chris, Toby or the figure shown in the London and Dublin photos) is a leprechaun, you might consider dangling a compensation package with payment in gold rather than dollars as a litmus test. Being hardcore gold bugs, a leprechaun will pounce on that offer.The problem with that is, in light of virtually limitless quantitative easing and an exploding su pply of Fed-issued fiat U.S. dollars and risk of hyperinflation, almost every savvy job applicant will (or should) respond the same way and go for the gold.9. If you are considering a leprechaun for a position with respect to which he is inexperienced, dont say that the company is willing to take on a green recruit. That will either confuse him or land you in court (again, for discrimination, however veiled).10. If the leprechaun is not suitable for any current opening, consider holding him captive and extracting three wishes. To maintain an appearance of perfect professionalism, you should carefully consider making the first wish one consistent with your industry code of ethics and expectations, say, I wish there were a job I could offer you, which will raise no eyebrows or suspicions, .since you say that every day.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Use Training Technology to More Effectively Engage Participants
Use Training Technology to More Effectively Engage ParticipantsUse Training Technology to More Effectively Engage ParticipantsWith flat HR budgets, changing audience expectations, and increasing training requirements due to new regulations and evolving technologies, corposatz learning and development professionals face many challenges today. Regardless of individual business circumstances, the central challenge for training professionals remains the same finding a way to ?engage employees and increase knowledge retention. Using the right approach and technology tools, its a challenge training professionals can take on with confidence. Virtually all training professionals understand that getting their audience to participate in a trainingsession is essential to engaging employees. But trainers are frequently tasked with instructing large groups under strict time constraints, which makes it difficult for individual audience members to directly participate in the conversation. Thats whe re technology can make a difference. Use Response Technology Response technology, that allows trainers to embed questions into presentations and empower audience members to respond via a remote device or smartphone, can help training professionals measurably improve results. Here are five ways technology can help Training technology can improve engagement. Training is more effective when learners actively participate in a discussion rather than listening to a top-down lecture. Trainers can use technology tools to make training a two-way conversation, embedding questions into presentations, enabling audience members to respond via remotes and smartphones, and displaying aggregate results directly in slides. When their voices are heard, training session participants pay more attention.Response technology can deliver real-time metrics. Sometimes its difficult for trainers to gauge their audiences grasp of the material during presentations. Technology can provide a way to administer real-time quizzes and instantly view aggregate results so trainers know whether they can move on or if they need to spend more time covering a specific topic. This makes the training session more efficient since trainers can focus on the right topics. Technology tools can increase the course review response rates. Many instructors hand out course review cards after training classes to solicit feedback on the instructor and material. But the participation rate of session attendees is typically dismal.Allowing students to respond to questions or rate their experience using remotes or mobile devices can bring participation rates up to 100%. The faster the instructors can process the feedback, the quicker they can incorporate changes to ensure that they are delivering the most effective presentation. Polling software can expand audience participation. Some training course participants are reluctant to speak up in a group setting. This can mean that instructors who ask for input must re ly on a handful of extroverts.Polling software that enables anonymous audience responses to preset questions can broaden the pool of active session participants. That means even audience members who are generally too shy to participate in a traditional classroom discussion contribute their responses and become more engaged as active participants in the virtual conversation. Technology solutions can unlock the power of peer learning. The concept of peer instruction, pioneered by Harvard Professor Eric Mazur, can improve corporate training sessions through the power of crowdsourcing.In this scenario, instructors can embed open-ended questions in presentations using response technology and facilitate discussions between learners. This allows them to leverage their collective wisdom to arrive at the correct answer rather than providing the solution. Training is Essential Employee training remains an essential component of the HR function, but as training demands increase, audience expectations shift and competitive pressures accelerate. In this environment, training and development professionals must find new ways to engageparticipants and improve retention. Training technology can give instructors the tools they need to measurably improve employee engagement and results. By following these tips, trainers can use technology to enhance their efforts to create an informed, engaged and knowledgeable workforce, and give their company an unbeatable competitive advantage.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
This is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidate
This is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidateThis is the resume lie that disgraced a political candidateDo people really double check your credentials and call up the schools you put down on your resume? Yes, let the story of Melissa Howard, a disgraced Republican candidate for the Florida Legislature, be your cautionary tale on why you shouldnt fake details of your resume.Last week, local news outletFLA News reportedthat Howard faked her resume and did not obtain a degree from Miami University in Ohio as she said she did in her candidate bio(which has since been taken down). FLA News said that Howard attended Miami University from August 1990 to May 1994, but did not graduate. Initially, Howard said the accusation was false, and to prove it, she posted a picture of her diploma.FLA News backed down from its claims but then the school corroborated the outlets reporting. We have no such record of a degree, the universitys general counsel said in a statement, noting that t he school does not even offer a degree in marketing that Howards diploma claimed she got. Miami Universitys degree for marketing majors then, as it is now, was a Bachelor of Science in Business.The jig was up. Howard admitted that she had lied and officially suspended her candidacy last Tuesday. I have come to the realization that the right thing to do for my community is to withdraw from the race, she told WWSB. I made a terrible error in judgement.Why you should never fake your diplomaHoward joins a long list of people who thought they could fake their credentials without consequence. There are many fibbers among us at the office. Nearly half of us - 46%- said that we know someone who has lied on their resume, according to staffing service firm OfficeTeam.Last year, one high school principal was caught lying about her education credentials by some intrepid student journalists. Employees have even become executives and CEOs with lies on their resume before eventually getting caugh t.You can last a long time with a faked resume, but eventually, people can abflug asking questions and your past can catch up to you. Your high rank may show that you were able to exhibit basic competence in spite of gaps in your background. But the betrayal of trust is what led to each of these fakers downfall.If you could lie about that part of your past, hiring managers may think. What else are you lying about?
Friday, December 6, 2019
Top Resume Introduction Tips!
Top Resume Introduction Tips Type of Resume Introduction In summary, the above are a few of the tips we find helpful in preparing a superior MA resume. Payment Forms arent any distinct. It helps to incorporate skills that you have over a restart. Describe how youre very likely to foster the company from Day One. So How About Resume Introduction? The introduction is just one of the mostimportant components of the resume. If you opt to go with a paragraph narrative, then your creative writing skills will need to be strong. If youre lacking in the experience department, it may be better to try out a different resume introduction. Writing introduction is crucial as it aids in starting the project work. When writing your statement, it is necessary to think about where youre in your professional progression. The narrative format enables you to control the information that you provide. In case you have any questions, dont hesitate to comment below. You should make koranvers your resume summary statement concisely demonstrates why youre a perfect candidate for the particular job and business. You ought to have five objective statements. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction which you can increase the peak of your resume. The Supreme Strategy to Resume Introduction However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. On the flip side, the moment the work applicant has strong experience, there is not any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not indicate you have to write alone. One of the hazards of a resume objective is that youre able to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you are going to add value to the p rovider. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career which you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. The absolute most efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for. A critical requirement if youre attempting to find a new job with an employer, but in addition one of the toughest things you will have to address if youre a felon owing to your circumstance. Make sure that if youre interviewing for employment that you have a considerable interest in it from the get go. Finally, make sure to compose a new statement for each job you apply for, so the employer sees what makes you a great fit for that particular job. Since employers receive thousands and thousands of applications for a similar job, a typical cover letter that seems to be going with every othe r application will not find another thought. You might also have your communication and disciplinary abilities, and highlight how patient youre with your students. The entire introduction isnt to be written in the pointers but the essential points have to be given in the pointers. You dont require experience to get achievements. The guide is available for download at this time and has 50 pages of detailed info to aid you with your work search. Following are a couple of the used formats and samples that you will be able to use whether the need comes up. Based on your degree of experience and the jobs youre applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary can fluctuate. Setup your surroundings Our very first purpose is to have the chance to execute AngularJS from Angular. View our Elements table to make certain youre hitting on the essential places.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
5 Things You Need to Know About Implementing Personality Assessments
5 Things You Need to Know About Implementing Personality Assessments Personality assessmentscan do everything from foster connections betweencolleagues to build powerful teams and determine how well candidates fit within your established culture. That being said, it can be quite tricky to actually integrate these assessments into your hiring process, especially if youve never dealt with them extensively.If youre in need of some guidance when it comes topersonality assessments, here are a few lessons weve learned as a company that should help you when it comes time to bring personality assessments into your workplace1. Yourein Good CompanyThe majority of organizations between 60 and70 percent of them, according to some estimatesuse personality assessments to evaluate employees. As mora and more companies begin to warm up to the idea that fit is more than just a combination of job experience, train ing, and skills, they are turning to personality assessments to help them truly evaluate candidates in useful and accurate ways. Many of todays top organizations have found personality assessments to be invaluable tools in their hiring processes.2. They Need to Be FairPersonality assessments are one of the best ways to evaluate whether or not a given candidate isgoing to fit in atyour company but only if you assessments measure everyone against the same criteria, and only if those criteria are fair to diverse groups of people. Otherwise, you may make some truly poor hiring decisions based on inaccurate data.Oh, and one more thing If your personality assessments do not fairly measure all candidates by the same objective and unprejudiced metrics, then you may be leaving yourself open tolawsuits from candidates who feel your organization discriminated against themdue to their background or ethnicity.Be very careful that your personality assessmentsallabide by federal and state hiring laws3. Hiring Might Take a Bit Longer, But It Will Be Worth ItOnce youve incorporated personality assessments into your hiring process, you might find that some seemingly qualifiedcandidates dontmeet your new, more demanding standards. As a result,it may take longer than youre used to to find candidate who do make the cut but dont worry, because this is a good thing.See, personality assessments are helping you set the bar higher. Fewer candidates will be able to meet this bar, but the ones who do will be great culturalfits.You can also think of it as a trade-off You may be increasing your time-to-hire a bit, but in exchange, you can lower your turnover by as much as 12 percent.4. They Let Everyone ShineFor a long time, many employers thought that extroverts were always better sales candidates than introverts. The argument, which seems sound on the surface, is that an extroverts outgoing personality would help them make more and better sales, whereas an introverts quieter personalit y would prevent them from inspiring others to buy a companys products.Studies have shown this to be patently untrue. In actuality, it is the ambivert the person who has a mixture of introverted and extroverted qualities who makes the best salesperson. Personality assessments can help these ambiverts shine brightly where they might otherwise be buried under a sea of enthusiastic extroverts.Of course, the foregoing is just an example of one of the ways in which personality assessments can help employers find great candidates they may have otherwise missed. Personality assessments let everybody shine in their own way, giving organizations fuller pictures of their talent pipelines.5. They Are More Accurate Than You Might ThinkThis all sounds well and good, butcouldnt candidates fake their answers on these tests, making them inaccurate anduseless?The answer is No, not really. Although candidates couldtry toanswer questions according to what they think employers want to hear, rather tha n according to the truth, most personality assessments are aware that candidates sometimes try to do this. These assessments actually take into account candidates attempts to outsmart them and produce accurate results even when the candidates are not being totally honest Personality assessments dont really have right or wrong answers they just give insight into what a candidate is like.-Bringing a personality assessment into your hiring process may feel intimidating, but dont worry As long as you know what to expect, youll be drumherum yourself up for hiring success.
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